August and Rosa had presumably met in or near Omaha, Nebraska, and once married they would reside in las Cruces, New Mexico. According to reliable notes made by August and Rosa’s son, George, August came to New Mexico only in 1882, roughly a year prior to his wedding. Despite anecdotal testimony and his documented residency in 1876 in Omaha, it is not known for sure when August first met diverse members of the Adelman(n) family. The rail line to Omaha had opened prior to their separate arrivals in 1872. The rail line had opened to Socorro in 1880 and to Las Cruces in 1881. It is quite possible that August had learned of Karl through the Adelmanns in Nebraska. Rosa’s younger brother was also living briefly in New Mexico roughly around this time, although whether at Socorro or Las Cruces or elsewhere is not known at this time. In any case, August married Rosa Adelmann in Socorro, New Mexico, in 1883. In one of her letters back to Külsheim, Rosa wrote that she had married "in the house" of her older brother in Socorro, but according to the black notebook of her son, George, they married 5 June 1883 in the Catholic church at Socorro, New Mexico; and this is confirmed by the church records.
Perhaps there were distinct civil and ecclesiastical ceremonies and/or festivities; perhaps, all the principal guests, including the bridal couple, stayed with Karl Friedrich or came there for the celebration. There weren't too many travel possibilities for inexpensive honeymoons. Presumably George was referring to the San Miguel Mission church, which has roots in Socorro from the end of the 16th century. A mission building was built around 1615 - 1626 but burned in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. The current building, in which the ceremony took place, includes walls of that older mission, but was built between 1819 and 1821.
According to the records of "Matrimonios" from the church San Miguel del Socorro confirm that the following marriage was contracted there:
5 June 1883, August S. Schenk, soltero (residence not given),
hijo de Michael Schenk (!) y de Catarina Schenk,
con Rosa Adelman, soltera (residence not given),
hija de Michael Adelman y de Maria Teresa OCHS.
Pads (Best man & Maid of Honor): Charley Adelman y Griselda Butierres (! = Gutierrez?).
Test: (Witnesses) Were not identified.
Off: F.F.M. Lestra (San Miguel del Socorro)
There is also marriage recorded there for Charles Adelman and Griselda Butierres (!):
16 August 1881. Ch. Fred. Adelman, soltero (residence not given),
hijo de Michael y de Maria Teresa,
con Griselda Butieres (!), viuda de Jose Lopez, resident of Socorro,
hija de J. Butieres (!) y de Maria de Jesus.
Pads: Baltazar Sedillo y Juana Montolla.
Test: Were not identified.
Off: B. Bernard. (San Miguel del Socorro)
Socorro was just taking off at that time. The Santa Fe Railroad had reached Socorro in 1880, just before a mining engineer named Gustav Billing found that ores from the nearby Magdalena area were self-fluxing; that is, could be smelted without the addition of extra chemicals. That led to gold-rush-like conditions in Socorro. Karl Friedrich himself is said to have been always keenly interested in mining and minerals, and he seems to have spent the years immediately preceding his wedding prospecting in the wilds of the Magdalena Mountains.
Where they came from
The two emigrants came in 1872 from localities close to one another in northeastern Baden. The Grand Duchy of Baden ("Großherzogtum Baden") had been formed from smaller entities into a single and independent state in Napoleonic times; from the middle ages until 1803, Külsheim had been under the political control of Mainz. But now, in 1871, the year immediately prior to August and Rosa's emigration, the Grand Duchy of Baden had lost its independence and was integrated into the new German Empire.
Rosa was born in the town of Külsheim; August came from the village of Ilmspan, just some 15 or so miles away. Midway between the two localities lies the larger town of Tauberbischofsheim, which just prior to 1870 had been connected to the Baden State Railways ("Badische Staatsbahnen"), allowing for easier travel to the northern ports. The localities named here are all found today in the northeastern region ("Tauberfranken") of the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, within the Federal Republic of Germany.
Despite the proximity of Külsheim and Ilmspan, there is no evidence that the two emigrants knew each other before they began their journeys away from Germany. They traveled to the U.S.A. in separate groups, on different ships, from different ports, a month apart. Some contact between August and Rosa's family prior to their separate journeys is not inconceivable, but no evidence of such familiarity has come to light. The following alternative is at least as plausible: that both had come to Omaha thanks to its new railways, that they met there.
Mrs. Murphy Ford, granddaughter of Rosa's older brother, Karl Friedrich (after immigration, anglicized in various sources into Charles, Charley, or Carl, just as the family name, Adelmann, would be shortened into Adelman), will maintain later that her grandfather arranged for August Schenk (among several others, including Joseph J. Eppele and a man named Hammell, both of whom settled in Socorro) to come to New Mexico; it is perhaps implied that he knew them prior to their move to New Mexico and perhaps already in Germany. In August's case, this in not necessary. At the time of his own emigration, Karl Friedrich was seventeen, two years older than the then fifteen year-old August, who two years later would likewise begin his travels at 17 years of age. According to a letter by Rosa back to Külsheim, August and Rosa would marry in Karl’s new-found home in Socorro, New Mexico, 13 years after Karl Friedrich’s immigration and 11 years after their own. Most likely, August had learned of Charles through Rosa, and then Charles had encouraged them (as he seems to have encouraged his and Rosa's younger brother) to resettle in New Mexico.
There is no evidence that Karl Friedrich Adelmann knew August Schenk in Germany, despite the relative proximity of their homes. Karl Friedrich had preceded August to the USA by over two years, leaving early in the year 1870 with his and Rosa’s older sister, Maria Theresia. These two older siblings of Rosa had travelled presumably by train to Bremen and left from there with the relatively new steamer, the "Donau", arriving in New York City on 2 April 1870 (note that the Franco-Prussian war would begin only in August, 1870). It seems that both August as well as Generosa with her family (at least her parents and younger brother) lived for some years after 1872 in Omaha. They would almost certainly have known each other there. In any case, August arrived in Las Cruces about a year prior to his wedding and laid the foundations of the bakery there. By the time Rosa and August married in Socorro, they had each been in the USA for about 11 years.
Somewhere in the photo hoards of the family, there is a photo of the young August taken at the studio of M. Murphy's Photographers in Grand Island, Nebraska. There is also record of a baker August Schenk in Omaha in 1876. The Adelmanns, too, lived for several years in Omaha before starting to homestead just outside the nearby town of Madison.
August Schenk immigrated to the United States from Germany. He was a baker by trade, worked as a baker in Omaha, Nebraska, and opened a bakery in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
This first picture shows the bakery building behind Hilda and her friends. I estimate that Hilda may be 12 years old here, so the year is around 1911. The building appears to be an adobe building, on a corner, and a shoe repair shop on the left.
Not so many years later, the bakery stands still on a corner, perhaps the same corner, but seems to have been rebuilt in brick, with showcase windows. I have no documentation of a fire or other issue destroying the previous structure, but there is damage on the adobe facade to the left.
This photo contained a hand-written caption:
May 1940
The adobe structure is now missing from the left side, no longer a shoe repair, but a used car lot. Progress?