Welcome to the family tree of the Lund-Low family. This tree is a work in progress, but has a great start on the Low side from the work of Diane T. Work on the Lund side has started with information on Marcus Lund from Birgit M. and on Inga Ringdal from her archive of photos. The plan for this is to add photos, stories, histories and background for each of the families listed here.
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This family tree was last updated on January 28, 2020. There are 190 surnames in this family tree. The earliest recorded event is the Birth of Thomas Sheapheard in 1537.
If you have any comments or feedback please contact Diane Lund.
Most common surnames
Anderson, Baldwin, Burr, Crane, Fauske, Low, Lund, Petersen, Pierce, Smith
Inga Ringdal was born in Norway and came to the US at about twelve years old.
She travelled with her sister Karen, and it appears they came to live near their sister Anne Marie Ringdal Fauske (Marie Fauske) by about 1905. Inga went on to live in Washington State, then California. Karen may have lived in Washington, but definitely lived in California.
There are records indicating that Marie Fauske, who was a school teacher, went for some time to North Dakota. One or two of their brothers lived in North Dakota for some time.
A start to the story of Inga Ringdal is available here.